Tea Tree Essential Oil — An Amazing Anti-Fungal Natural Oil

Herbal Soap
4 min readApr 12, 2021


Tea Tree Essential Oil is the essential oil of choice for many aromatherapists. Tea Tree Oil is derived from the leaves and bark of a tree native to Australia called the MelaleucaAlternifolia. There are many species of the MelaleucaAlternifolia tree and Tea Tree Essential Oil is one of the most popular varieties used for aromatherapy around the world. Tea Tree Oil has been in use for a long time by the aborigine tribes of Australia. It is known to have healing properties for insect bites, wounds, bacterial infections, nausea and it can also be used for respiratory problems.

Tea Tree Essential Oil is a natural antiseptic that is able to treat wounds quickly and effectively. Tea Tree Essential Oil is very effective when used topically to treat wounds, scrapes, bruises, bug bites, and to soothe irritation caused by insect bites. It can be used on a wound to heal it, prevent bacterial growth, and also to speed up the healing process. When using Tea Tree Oil for the treatment of wounds, make sure you follow the directions carefully as it is a strong essential oil and can cause severe burning if not diluted properly.

Antiseptic Tea Tree Essential Oil is effective for killing germs and viruses as well as for the treatment of skin diseases. These are some of the benefits of using Tea Tree Essential Oil or the essential oils of Tea Tree and its relative oils. The oil contains tannins which are also known to have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It is therefore perfect as a natural remedy for athlete’s foot, ringworm, oral thrush, and yeast infections while being a gentle antiseptic for cuts and burns.

It is also a powerful antiseptic and anti-fungal. For an athlete’s foot, Tea Tree Essential Oil can be used topically or in its pure form. To use Tea Tree topically, one must dilute it with water and apply it directly to the affected area. This should then be left overnight and the following morning you should rinse off the dead skin cells. The use of Tea Tree Essential Oil topically can be very effective when combined with other natural ingredients such as olive leaf/grape seed oil and Aloe Vera. The topical application of Tea Tree Essential Oil is safe and effective for persons who suffer from recurring yeast infections.

In addition to its benefits as an essential oil, the Tea Tree is also useful for making soap and shampoo. It has been successfully used as a substitute for commercial soap due to its unique antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-microbial properties. Some of the properties of the Tea Tree that make it a suitable substitute for soap and shampoo are its high concentration of tannin and its ability to act as a natural antiseptic and anti-fungal. Other essential oils that are effective against Candida and Tea Tree oil blend very effectively.

Tea Tree Oil is very useful for treating an athlete’s foot and ringworm of the feet. It can also be applied topically to irritated skin to relieve pain and inflammation. It is also very useful for treating various skin infections such as diaper rash. Topical application of Tea Tree Oil is very effective in controlling fungal growth on the skin and alleviating the symptoms of itching and redness.

As Tea Tree Essential Oil is very effective in killing microorganisms, it is considered a natural anti-microbial which is very useful for fighting against infections such as yeast and candida infections. It is also effective in eliminating toxins and cleansing the blood as well as the lymphatic system. These properties of Tea Tree Oil make it a very good alternative for antifungal creams for the treatment of fungal infections. The antiseptic properties of Tea Tree Oil kill harmful bacteria and viruses such as E. Coli, Shigella (Notodontic), Candida, and herpes. This makes Tea Tree Essential Oil an excellent alternative for antibiotic creams for healing wounds and infections caused by these harmful bacteria and viruses.

When using Tea Tree Oil for treating skin ailments such as wounds, infections and fungal infections of the skin or scalp, dilute it with a carrier oil before applying it topically on the affected areas. This will help you treat wounds and infection without risk of causing further irritation to your skin. Always dilute essential oils before using them on your skin and always test a small amount on a small part of your body before using on other parts of your body. This will help you get suitable results and avoid any adverse reaction due to allergies.

